Yahoo! Finance: Why the Rich Get Richer by Robert Kiyosaki

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

PayJr. Chore Tracking

PAYJr is a FREE online allowance and chore management system designed to allow you to assign chores and allowances and their associated rewards.

This is a great, interactive way for parents and kids to learn the hard work pays off. Parents assign chores, the kids get their assignments and complete them. Parents can get a prepaid PayJr. Mastercard that they can load money onto as kids complete their chores.

There is also a FREE DOWNLOADABLE Chore Tracking chart and allowance fee table for those not interested in the Prepaid card or for parents of younger children.

This is a highly recommended system to add organization to your family life and teach children the rewards of doing work assigned, all along giving them a tangible way to track their progress.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Thank you for spreading the word about the PAYjr program. Our mission at PAYjr is helping young people make the connection between effort, work, discipline and financial reward, which ultimately establishes a lifetime of smart financial habits.

We continue to improve on our sites usability and features and we always appreciate any feedback you may provide. Thank you again for your support,

David Jones